Zonnepark Revelhorst is a solar PV project located in Zutphen, the Netherlands. The project is part of the Sunvest portfolio. It was initiated by Solar Proactive and Sunvest who engaged Green Giraffe for project development, permitting, contracting and financing support.
The project is unique due to the collaboration with the local energy cooperative ‘Zonnestroom Zutphen’. Alongside Solar Proactive and Sunvest, Zonnestroom Zutphen developed their own 1.5 MWp solar park and both parties joined forces in the realization of their respective solar parks. Ultimately this resulted in the construction of a single solar park with a total capacity 8.2 MWp solar park, with 6.7 MWp belonging to Sunvest and 1.5 MWp to Zonnestroom Zutphen.
In addition to the co-development, permitting, contracting and financing support to Sunvest, Green Giraffe arranged the underlying legal structure to facilitate the partnership between Sunvest and Zonnestroom Zutphen.
The project was brought to financial close in December 2019 and construction is due to be completed at the end of the second quarter of 2020.