Project developer Solarpark Zeeland has successfully developed a large solar park Scaldia in the harbor area of Vlissingen.
The solar project is located in the cable and pipeline corridor around the harbor and industrial area called Sloegebied (in the municipalities of Vlissingen and Borsele), a strip of land of approx. 6 km long and on average 100 m wide (see picture). Grid operator Tennet, who manages the high tension lines on site, has given its consent to the project.
The project is also supported by the harbor authority Zeeland Seaports which is also the main land owner of the project site, and by the municipalities of Vlissingen and Borsele. As the project is located on an industrial area, it perfectly fits within the policy framework of the province of Zeeland.
Green Giraffe supported the project developer during the complete development process. Tasks included:
- Negotiation of the land lease contracts
- Assistance in writing a planning application
- Permit application
- Design of the solar park
- Yield calculations
- Application for a feed-in tariff (obtained in December 2016)
- Sale of the proect to ib vogt (concluded February 2018)
One of the shareholders in developer Solarpark Zeeland gained experience with the development of large solar projects in harbor areas through the Sunport Delfzijl project, which was developed with Green Giraffe’s support and closed successfully early 2016.
On 16 February 2018 the shares of Solarpark Scaldia were tranferred by the developer Solarpark Zeeland to the new owner, ib vogt, for the construction phase of the project.