RVO (the Netherlands Enterprise Agency) commissioned a report from Green Giraffe assessing the impact of allowing seabed fishing on the levelised cost of electricity and bankability of three future offshore wind farm zones under the Dutch offshore wind roadmap 2030
For the Dutch to reach their long-term renewable energy targets the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate has set out the Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap 2030, which aims to deploy an additional 6,100 MW of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030.
Three dedicated wind farm zones have been allocated to reach the target capacity: Hollandse Kust West, Ten noorden van de Waddeneilanden and IJmuiden Ver. Space is scarce in the Dutch part of the North Sea and there are multiple actors with different interests active in the area, of which one is the fishing sector. In order to strike a spatial balance amongst the relevant stakeholders, the Dutch government has established a North Sea consultation (“Noordzeeoverleg”) to develop a North Sea agreement (“Noordzeeakkoord”). As part of the Noordzeeoverleg, the option to allow seabed fishing activities, which is currently forbidden, within the 2030 offshore wind farm zones is explored.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) commissioned a report from Green Giraffe assessing the impact on the levelised cost of energy and finance terms and conditions for the wind farm developers of allowing seabed fishing activities within these wind farm zones. This study represents the second part of a 3-part study of which the first study assessed the physical adjustments and cost consequences for the fishing sector and wind farm developers and the third study focused on the opportunities, risks and costs for the fishing sector.
The study is available to read here.